Gardenstone garden wall
We're in the middle of Autumn! It's just the perfect time to get into the garden and tidy up those garden beds. The weather is cooler now so no excuses! We have just the perfect DIY retaining wall system that is easy to handle, easy to work with and anyone can build with it!
It's our Gardenstone range! It comes in three colours. The one picture is Charcoal but we also have a sandstone one called Appin Stone and reddish version called Oakdale.
These block are really versatile. You can use them as garden edging or borders, if you don't need a wall. You can build curvy walls (like the one pictured) of straight ones.
Gardenstone is so easy to use! No concrete needed! Each block is also relatively light at about 8 Kgs each compared to other block systems that are more than double the weight of Gardenstone.
The great thing about using a masonry block system like Gardenstone is that it is durable, long lasting and low maintenance! Yep... just build it once and forget about it... How good is that?
No rotting, The termites won't eat it ... ahhhh the benefits are endless ... so what are you waiting for? Now's the time to check out Gardenstone.
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